Below are various forms requested from the Village of Chenequa. The forms can be filled in online, please remember to save them to your computer. Then you may email them to the addresses below or print a copy and return it to the Village of Chenequa Hall or mail the form along with any other requirements to the Village of Chenequa.
Absentee Ballots may be dropped off at the Village of Chenequa Hall or emailed to our Clerk-Treasurer, Pamela Little at
Voter Registration Application
Follow instructions on pdf or get started on
Record requests are available in person at the Village of Chenequa Hall Monday thru Thursday from 8:00am – 4:30pm and Fridays from 8:00am – 3:00pm. Payment is required prior to the release of the records. Turn around time is approximately 24-48 hours. Or you may fill out the open record request and email it to: Crash reports can also be obtained at Reports are available 5-7 business days after incident.
Fee Schedule:
Police Reports | $0.25/ page * |
Accident Reports | $5.00 |
Standard Photos | $2.00 |
Copies of Photos (Up to 8×10) | $5.00 |
CD / DVD | $5.00 |
Building Permit Application and Cautionary Statement
Many projects in the Village require a building permit. For specific questions, please contact the Building Inspector at:
Paul Launer
Lake Country Inspections, LLC
Phone: 262-825-8820
Building Permit (PDF)
Electrical Permit (PDF)
HVAC Permit (PDF)
Plumbing Permit (PDF)
Notice of Appeal and Application for Review
Bow Hunting Permission to Hunt Form
Pine Lake Annual Launch Permit Application
The annual permits are available at the Village of Chenequa Police Department, cash or check only. To send electronically, save on your computer and attach it in an email to
Goose barrier fencing is permitted from April 1 through November 30 after submittal of a Goose Fence Application and an annual fee of $15.00.
Snow Plow Agreement and Liability Form
To have the Village of Chenequa snow plow and sand your driveway during the winter months, the Village must receive the “Snow Plowing / Sanding Agreement and Release of Liability” along with the $100.00 fee by the last business day of the calendar year. Failure to do so will remove your address from the plowing list, effective January 1, of the new year.
When you are gone for an extended period of time and would like a daily physical inspection of your property, use the ‘House Check Report’ form to provide us with needed information for our inspection. To send electronically, save on your computer and attach it in an email to
Short-Term Rental License Application
Any rental of a single family residence in the Village to the same person for seven (7) or more consecutive days but less than twenty nine (29) consecutive days shall be permitted provided that the person who owns and maintains, manages or operates the rental property complies with all requirements of the State of Wisconsin governing short-term rentals, obtains a license for conducting such activity from the Village and pays an annual fee.
IF YOU WISH TO DISPUTE A CITATION, you can enter a plea of NOT GUILTY to the charge by completing and returning the ‘Not Guilty Form‘ to the Municipal Court ONE DAY PRIOR TO COURT. You do not need to appear at your court date. You will be notified within two weeks after your court date of a PRETRIAL CONFERENCE scheduled the following month.