Link to Ordinance 2025-02-10-01, Creating Section 6.5 (6) Creating Requirements for Accessory Buildings and Structures follows as approved by the Village Board on February 10, 2025.
Link to Ordinance 2025-02-10-01, Creating Section 6.5 (6) Creating Requirements for Accessory Buildings and Structures follows as approved by the Village Board on February 10, 2025.
Link to 2025 -01-13-01 Fireworks ordinance follows:
Polls will be open from 7 am – 8 pm on February 18, 2025 for the Spring Primary
February 18, 2025 Primary, Polls will be Open from 7 am – 8 pm
In Person Absentee voting in the Clerk’s Office:
March 18 – 20, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.; March 21, 8 a.m. – 3 p.m.
March 24 – March 27, 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.; March 28, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Spring Election In-Person Absentee Voting
Absentee Voting for the February primary will be available in the Clerk’s Office as follows:
February 4 – February 6, 8 am to 4:30 pm; February 7, 8 am – 3 pm
February 10 – February 13, 8 am – 4:30 pm; February 14, 8 am – 5 pm
February Primary Absentee Voting
The Police Commission will meet on February 4, 2025, noon, at the Village Hall.
The Accessory Structure Committee will meet on Thursday, January 23, at 10 a.m.
Link to the Agenda Packet Follows. Zoom information is included on the Agenda.
On Wednesday, June 19, 2024, weather permitting, we will chemically treat Eurasian Watermilfoil (EM), Curley Leaved Pondweed (CLPW) and Elodea (E). Our survey indicated that North Lake (N.L.) has a large amount of CLPW and E and smaller amounts of EM. We are only permitted to chemically treat invasive plants, and these are the three invasive plants on North Lake.
North Lake Weed Spraying Notice
The treatment of Cornell Lake for Eurasian Milfoil control is scheduled for:
Wednesday, June 5th 2024
(Weather Permitting)
The recommended precautions after treatment are as follows:
NO swimming for 1 day
NO garden watering for 21 days
Cornell Lake Weed Treatment Flyer
Pine Lake Weed Treatment
The treatment of Pine Lake for Eurasian Milfoil control is scheduled for
Wednesday, June 12, 2024
For More information:
For More Information:
Eurasian watermilfoil | (Myriophyllum spicatum) | Wisconsin DNR
The Village of Chenequa Police Department is looking for motivated individuals to join our team! We are currently looking to fill positions for our Community Service Officer (CSO) positions.
As a CSO, you will gain valuable firsthand experience in the realm of Law Enforcement while getting paid. If you are interested in applying for the CSO position, please visit the Village of Chenequa Police Department during normal business hours or click on the link below for an employment application.
You may email your completed application to Officer Chochola at or Sergeant Nelson at
WHEREAS, Robert Bellin has served the Village of Chenequa as Village Trustee from April 2014 to April 2024 and has served as a committee member for the Public Safety Committee, Operations Committee, Plan Commission, Lake Country Fire and Rescue Board, and Hwy 83 Task Force during this same period of time. Robert joined and served on the Chenequa Fire Department Since 1975.
Appreciation of Robert Bellin Resolution
We recently learned that Johns Disposal offers yard waste disposal to the Village of Chenequa residents.
The yard waste can be dumped at their Whitewater facility. They have a yard waste dumpster at the front of their building located at 105 County Road U, Whitewater, WI 53190.
Hours are: Monday through Friday from 8am – 4:30pm.
The drop off is closed on weekends and holidays but is open seasonally from spring through fall. They usually end the season at the first snowfall.
Yard waste should be “pure” with NO plastic, wire or twine/ tape. Compostable paper bags ARE accepted. Compostable plastic bags are NOT accepted by Johns because they are not accepted at compost sites.
Trailer loads are NOT accepted and contractors are NOT to dump at their facility.
For more information: Chenequa, Village – Johns Disposal
The boating season is almost upon us and the pier is in early. Please remember, you do have to pay to launch at the Pine Lake launch. Season passes are available at the Village Hall. For hours, fees and seasonal launch pass information, please visit our website at:
The Village of Chenequa Highway/Forestry Department provides snow plowing services for:
Before the first snowfall, all homeowners should:
During a snowstorm, we are able to do a much better job of snow plowing your driveway if:
The pier has been removed from the Pine Lake Launch for the season.
Happy Holidays to you all!
Village of Chenequa
November 6, 2023
The Village of Chenequa will again offer a dressed deer carcass to the public through a lottery style system.
Names will be drawn at random starting mid-December. These names will be recorded in order of the drawing. If your name is drawn, you will be notified via the phone number given on the application, that you have made the list.
Please Note: Due to the variable number of deer taken from year to year, we cannot guarantee you receive a deer, even though your name was drawn.
The sharpshooting portion of our Deer Management program begins mid-December and continues until mid-March. Individuals will be called in the order in which their names were drawn.
How to Enter:
To enter, mail or personally deliver a note card to the Chenequa Village Hall. The card must contain the following information: Name, Address and Contact Phone Number(s).
Bill Smith
1234 Pine Street
Any town, WI 53029
This number will be used to contact you to pick-up a deer. (Usually in the evening hours).
Mail Your Card/ Envelope To:
Village of Chenequa
Venison Request
31275 W County Road K
Hartland, WI 53029
You may also use the “after hours” drop off box at the Chenequa Village front entrance.
*** Please Note: The location where the deer will be available for pick-up is 31197 W County Road K, just east of the Village Hall.
SAHSWI project to honor Gustaf Unonius, New Upsala, the first Swedish settlement in Wisconsin, and the Scandinavian Parish with a State Historical Marker has concluded the research phase and the marker is now being produced. The Heritage Tour will visit the historical places that played an instrumental role in establishing the Swedish settlement and Scandinavian Parish. Don’t miss this unique and interesting event scheduled Saturday, August, 19, 2023, starting at Nashotah House and ending at St. Anskar’s church.
There are 4 (four) stops scheduled as follows:
There will be a guide at each location.
For more details visit: Heritage Tour
The treatment of Cornell Lake for Eurasian Milfoil control is scheduled for:
(Weather Permitting)
To read more: Cornell Lake Weed Treatment
The treatment of Pine Lake for Eurasian Milfoil control is scheduled for:
(Weather Permitting)
To read more: Pine Lake Weed Treatment
For more information visit:
There are not any additional elections scheduled for the Village of Chenequa in 2023. Village of Chenequa is in the 99th Assembly District; the special election is in the 24th Assembly District.
The 2024 election schedule is listed below:
February 20, 2024 Possible Spring Primary
April 2, 2024 Spring Election and Presidential Preference
August 13, 2024 Partisan Primary Election
November 5, 2024 Fall Presidential Election
Pursuant to Sec 70.45 of WI Statutes the Assessment Roll for the Village of Chenequa will be open for examination on the
June 27, 2023
2:00 – 4:00 P.M.
Chenequa Village Hall
31275 County Road K
Mark Link, Tyler Technologies, 800-800-2581 ext. 1634, will be available during that time to answer any assessment questions.
Deanna Braunschweig
Village Clerk – Treasurer
Incident: Fatal Vehicle Crash – February 18, 2023
On Saturday, February 18th, 2023, at 2:34pm the Village of Chenequa Police Department responded to a motor vehicle crash on E/B STH 16 just west of STH 83. It has been determined from several witnesses that one of the vehicles involved entered the E/B lanes of STH 16 from STH 83 going W/B, the wrong way, in the E/B lanes of traffic. This vehicle then collided with another vehicle, head-on, in the E/B lanes of traffic.
The driver of the wrong way vehicle is now being identified as 47-year-old Melissa Bright of Sullivan, WI.
On March 13, 2023, Deanna Braunschweig joined our amazing team at the Village of Chenequa. She is pictured below with Pamela Little, our previous Village Clerk-Treasurer. The previous Clerk, Jeanne O’Brien has retired and taken a different opportunity.
Deanna comes to us with 16 years of Clerk – Treasurer experience. Deanna is a WI Certified Municipal Clerk through the Wisconsin Municipal Clerks Association (WMCA) and currently is the WI District 5 co-coordinator. She is also a Certified Municipal Clerk with the International Institute of Municipal Clerks (IIMC). Deanna is coming from the Village of Germantown where she was the Village Clerk-Treasurer and handled a population of 21,000. She is also the Village Clerk-Treasurer in Neosho in a part-time capacity. We are very excited to have Deanna as part of our Chenequa Family.
Incident: Fatal Vehicle Crash – February 18, 2023
On Saturday, February 18th, 2023, at 2:34pm the Village of Chenequa Police Department responded to a motor vehicle crash on E/B STH 16 just west of STH 83. It has been determined from several witnesses that one of the vehicles involved entered the E/B lanes of STH 16 from STH 83 going W/B, the wrong way, in the E/B lanes of traffic. This vehicle then collided with another vehicle, head-on, in the E/B lanes of traffic.
As the temperature starts to warm outside, its important to remember that the water temperatures are still dangerously cold. If you plan to kayak, canoe or paddle board in these frigid waters, its important to be wearing your personal floatation device (PFD). This could save your life if you fall into these cold waters.
Starting Monday, November 1, 2021, the Pine Lake public boat launch will be closed for maintenance, repairs and improvements. It is estimated that the boat launch will remain closed until Saturday, November 20, 2021. During this closure, boat launching or retrieving from the public launch will not be possible.
It is advised that all piers and boats be removed from the water by October 31, 2021. The Village will work to notify area marine services. However, it is recommended that you reach out to your service provider to ensure your boat(s) and pier(s) are removed prior to October 31st.
After November 20th the launch will re-open for normal use. While unlikely, it is important to keep in mind that the north bay of Pine Lake may be iced over by the time the launch ramp re-opens. Thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation.
If you have any questions or comments, please contact Cody Lincoln at Chenequa Village Hall via Phone: (262) 367-2239 or Email:
Construction is scheduled to begin on June 15 on a Waukesha County Public Works project to rehabilitate the County Trunk Highway C. The project is located at the intersection of CTH C and Hasslinger Drive in the Town of Merton and Village of Chenequa Construction will continue through August 2021. Please click on the link below to read more.
Please see the attached to view the most recent update from Village Administrator / Police Chief Neumer regarding COVID-19 Virus.
(WAUKESHA, WI) – The Waukesha County Communications (WCC) Center is working with Public Health officials and the 9-1-1 Medical Director to implement additional screening tools during call-taking procedures to obtain specific information concerning the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. These efforts are in place to mitigate first responder exposure and provide efficient emergency services to Waukesha County residents.
WCC currently utilizes the International Academy of Emergency Dispatch (IAED) Emergency Medical Dispatch protocol for all medical call-taking. Now, WCC will also implement the Emerging Infectious Disease Surveillance (EIDS) tool on every call for service so call-takers can ask two additional questions to identify potential COVID-19 symptoms, as well as whether the patient has had direct close contact with someone diagnosed, as identified by the Center for Disease Control (CDC).
Additional measures have been taken in an effort to protect staff, as essential employees, during the COVID-19 outbreak. The WCC is closed to outside visitors until further notice. All group meetings, trainings, visits, tours, and sit-ins have been indefinitely suspended. We will continue to take all necessary precautions to protect our essential communications staff.
If you have any signs or symptoms of COVID-19 we strongly advise individuals and employees to stay home to limit the spread of the virus.
The Waukesha County Communications center remains responsive to implementing best practice during this pandemic and remains in constant contact with the County Executive’s Office and Department of Public Health as information continues to develop.
About the Waukesha County Communications Center
The Waukesha County Communications Center (WCC) is the largest Public Service Answering Point (PSAP) in Waukesha County. WCC answers 9-1-1 calls for the County, most non-emergency calls, and provides dispatch services for 31 of Waukesha County’s 37 municipalities. For more information about WCC, visit Follow us on Facebook at or Twitter at
What is the Absentee Voting Efficiency Option?
FACT: AVEO is legislation to allow in-person absentee voters to feed their own ballot into electronic voting equipment INSTEAD of placing their ballot inside an envelope.
Why do we need this process?
FACT: Not all communities will need or want to use this process, which is why it is optional. We know there are communities in the state that are experiencing a very large number of absentee ballots and of the total absentee ballots cast, 75-80% are being cast by voters who are appearing in-person to do so. Communities are experiencing as many as 60,000 absentee ballots. We also know there are communities who experience very few absentee ballots. Communities need to determine locally, based on their experiences as to their needs in serving their community of voters.
Why is using machines a better process to using envelopes?
FACT: We know absentee ballots rejected on Election Day, are not being counted or being remade by poll workers erroneously. The Stein recount in 2016 showed us over 11,000 errors in counting ballots. While this is a small percentage of the total ballots voted across the state, we know we could significantly improve if we allowed in-person absentee voters to feed their own ballots into the electronic voting equipment. The voter would be alerted by the machine and would correct the ballot error themselves. Who better than the voter to determine their ballot intent?
FACT: We know the expense of absentee balloting involves purchasing thousands and thousands of envelopes, staffing to manage thousands of envelopes; secure delivery of envelopes; staffing to open envelopes at polls or central count; leasing of additional equipment to process ballots in envelopes on Election Day. Treating an in-person absentee voter who is standing right before you as a mail process is inefficient and expensive. The act of allowing the voter to feed the ballot into an electronic voting machine eliminates 75-80% of envelopes, eliminates the cost of managing and opening those envelopes; eliminates the expense to lease additional equipment as municipalities could utilize equipment they already own that is just sitting there doing nothing in the weeks leading up to Election Day. The machine is tested no less than three times. It is secure and capable of holding ballots. Why aren’t we using the expensive machines we own?
FACT: We know in communities where there are 10,000 – 60,000 absentee ballots being opened and fed into voting equipment on Election Day that delays in reporting results occur as poll workers work late into the evening or early morning to get the ballots in. If AB-203 were adopted, 75-80% of absentee ballots would already be scanned into the equipment by the voter themselves.
Are the ballots counted early?
FACT: No, they are not. The electronic voting equipment used is the same certified equipment used on Election Day. Ballots are scanned into the equipment. The equipment records an optical image of the front and back of the ballot. The ballots are NOT counted! Just like on Election Day, tabulation does not occur until the close polls button is activated and the program goes through a tabulation process. The equipment holds the scan in memory until tabulation is activated. The paper ballots are kept in secure tamper evident ballot bags for the audit trail to the imaged record.
Is this process safe and secure?
FACT: Yes. The equipment is not connected to the internet and AB-203 has numerous safety precautions that must be met prior to and during use. The equipment must be publicly tested prior to use. The equipment’s memory device must be sealed with a tamper evident seal and checked prior to use and at the conclusion of use daily. The Clerk must publicly notice the activity including notice to the two major political parties. AVEO voting must take place in the presence of at least two Election Officials not including the Voter or a Candidate for Office. Observers may be present. Ballots fed into the machine must be sealed inside tamper evident ballot bags and secured daily. The equipment must be secured in a double lock location when not in use. The municipal plan to utilize AVEO must be reviewed and certified by the Wisconsin Elections Commission prior to use. The municipality must suspend use of AVEO anytime security provisions detailed in AB-203 can’t be met.
How long would this activity go on?
FACT: Each participating municipality would decide. There are state and federal laws pertaining to the times in which absentee voting may occur. There is also a federal court case involved. AB203 does not promote any political agenda or strategy, but rather acknowledges the laws and court actions already in place. AB-203 is non-partisan and endorsed by various legislators of both parties. The Wisconsin Municipal Clerk’s Association, a non-partisan, professional organization of Professional Municipal Clerks supports this common sense legislation. The arguments and questions of how long absentee voting can go on, has nothing to do with providing a secure, efficient process of scanning a ballot. AB-203 is about using a machine to hold the ballot instead of an envelope. Envelopes can be damaged, lost and tampered with. A ballot scanned into the equipment by the voter can’t. AB-203 is a more secure process than the current envelope method.
Has there been a pilot of this process?
FACT: No, not yet. A pilot of the process can’t be performed until the law provides for the process. We are in favor of a test pilot and have asked the Wisconsin Elections Commission to do so in several communities prior to using the process statewide. This is something they did when rolling out the electronic Badger Books which is also an optional program used in managing elections across the state.
Who is supporting this and how long have they been working on AVEO legislation?
FACT: The machines instead of envelopes concept began following the Presidential Election in 2016 when a group of Professional Municipal Clerks from Southeastern Wisconsin got together to talk about election issues and brainstorm solutions. The focus expanded to solicit feedback from Municipal Clerks, County Clerks, Political Parties, League of Women Voters, Wisconsin Elections Commission staff and other interested individuals. Members of the group partnered with a local Legislator to write the legislation. In 2018, the Wisconsin Municipal Clerk’s Association officially offered their support of the bill. The bill was introduced during the 20172018 legislative session. A public hearing was held and the measure passed the committee on the assembly side but failed to be heard by the committee on the senate side. Legislation was re-introduced during the 2018-2019 session. A joint public hearing between both assembly and senate committees was held and the measure was recommended for scheduling on the floor. AB-203 was set to be considered but was removed from the October agenda when various individuals opposed to AVEO advanced a campaign of mis-information and mis-truths. The purpose of this FACT sheet is to set the record straight about AVEO (AB-203).
I have more questions. Who can I contact?
FACT: Wisconsin Professional Municipal Clerks are the best resource for information. This is because Professional Municipal Clerks are non-partisan, professionals whose work on this legislation was for the benefit of the residents in their communities. Your local Professional Municipal Clerk is responsible for Election Administration. We are not career politicians or affiliated with political parties. We are Professional Municipal Clerks who take an oath to uphold the laws of the United States, the State of Wisconsin and our communities. This is not about politics or political strategies. We are caring, local professionals who, based on our expertise in Election Administration, are trying to implement common sense, secure processes to instill voter confidence and benefit the local tax-payer. We know the job and the processes including where there are issues.
Diane Coenen, City of Oconomowoc,
Kelly Michaels, City of Brookfield,
Gina Kozlik, City of Waukesha,
Marie Moe, City of Portage,
Elena Hilby, City of Sun Prairie,
Kelly Hurst, City of Black River Falls,
Georgia Stanford, City of New Berlin,
Joan Andrusz, City of Monona
Janice Moyer, Village of Menomonee Falls,
Melissa Hongisto, Village of Suamico,
Gale Tamez, Village of Wales,
Wendy Helgeson, Town of Greenville,
Kathy Nickolaus, Town of Waukesha,
Meri Majeskie, Town of Genesee,
What can I do to help?
Contact your Wisconsin Assembly Representative and Senator and tell them you support AB-203 and encourage them to support it too!
For those who have not met him, Chief Neumer has been with the Village of Chenequa for the last 7 years. He has served as the Sergeant, Captain, and now we are so proud and honored to call him our Chief/Administrator!
Please stop in and welcome him to his new role with the Village of Chenequa. We are lucky to call him one of our own.
As of September 1st, 2019 Jacob Lipke will be taking over building department duties for the Village.
Building Inspector, Jabob Lipke
Contact Information:
Cell: (262) 226-5007
Office Hours:
Tuesdays 2:30pm – 3:30pm
Thursdays 9am – 10am
Or by Appointment
For all permits issued PRIOR to September 1st, 2019, please continue to schedule inspections through SAFEbuilt at (262) 346-4575 or via email at
For all permits issued AFTER September 1st, 2019 please schedule inspections through Jacob Lipke via phone or email. He will be at the Village on Tuesdays from 2:30pm to 3:30pm and Thursdays from 9:00am to 10:00am or by appointment.
Thank you and Welcome to the team, Jacob!
It is with deep sadness that we share the news of the passing of Susan Wilkey. Susan was the Village President for the Village of Chenequa up until the time of her passing. Susan served on many boards and committees for many causes she held close to her heart, along with the Village of Chenequa. She will certainly be missed greatly by all of the staff. We would like to thank her for many years of service, leadership, dedication, generosity and above all just being Susan.
Visitation is Wednesday, October 3rd at St. Charles Catholic Church in Hartland from 10:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. Services start at 12:00 p.m. followed by a reception at the Chenequa Country Club.
Evert-Luko Funeral Home in Hartland is managing all the arrangements.
Village Board President April 2015 to present
Village Board Trustee April 2006 to April 2014
Plan Commission Member April 2007 to April 2015
Plan Commission Chair April 2015 to April 2017
Lake Country Fire and Rescue Consolidation 2008 to 2010
Lake Country Fire and Rescue Board 2009 to 2015
Hwy 83 Task Force 2003 to 2018
Board of Review Member 2006 to 2018
Election Inspector 1991 to 2015
To view her full obituary, please Evert-Luko Funeral Home website.
Bonita Zimdars was our previous Village Clerk-Treasurer (2005-2012). She left the Village in April 2012 after being diagnosed with ALS. Bonita passed away on Friday, June 30th from her battle with ALS. Bonita was a great person and she did her job well. She took ownership and pride in her position seeing that the village work was completed in a professional and complete manner. Bonita has been missed and will continue to be missed but at least she is at peace now. May our thoughts and prayers be with her and her family.
Obituary for Bonita R. Zimdars
Bonita R. Zimdars, 57, of Watertown passed away on Friday, June 30, 2017 at her home with her loving family by her side after a 5 ½ year battle with ALS. Bonita was born on March 3rd, 1960 to Norman F. and Joyce E. (Raymer) Duffrin in Hillsboro, WI, and moved to Watertown in 1965. Bonita graduated from Watertown High School in 1978, and then graduated from U.W. Whitewater with a B. A. in Business Administration. On October 10th, 1981, she married the love of her life, Kurt Zimdars. Bonita had three daughters who were her pride and joy; Stephanie of Watertown, Samantha and Kirsten both of Madison. She worked for Morgan Stanley Dean Witter for 20 years and the Village of Chenequa until her illness required her to take early retirement. She served her church in many capacities… Sunday School teacher, lector, communion assistant and served as treasurer of the Women of the ELCA for 4 years. Bonita served as Secretary of the American Association of University Women, and as treasurer. She also was secretary for the Municipal Treasurers of Wisconsin, and District Director for the Municipal Treasurers of Wisconsin. Bonita felt strongly about the importance of being a blood donor. Her happiest times were spent with family at Brewer games and other sporting events, and she especially had a deep love of music and loved to attend concerts. Walking her dogs was a great joy for her. Bonita is survived by: her loving husband of 35 years, Kurt; her three daughters, Stephanie, Samantha, and Kirsten, sisters Diane (Mike) Turke, Jayne (Todd) Barta, and a brother Todd (Amy) Duffrin. Also her brother-in-law Dale (Jean) Zimdars, as well as nieces and nephews. She is preceded in death by: her parents Norman and Joyce Duffrin, her mother-in-law Diana Zimdars, and her father-in-law Gerhard Zimdars. The family would like to thank the staff of Rainbow Hospice for the loving care they provided for Bonita. Especially Alicia, Christa and Terri. Memorials in Bonita’s honor may be made to the Watertown Food Pantry. A funeral service will be held at 11:00 A.M. on Saturday, July 8th, 2017 at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Watertown with the Rev. Todd Iverson and Rev. Terry and Sue Larson presiding. A visitation will be held from 9:00 A.M. until the time of service at the church.
Invasive species such as Glossy Buckthorn, Common Buckthorn, Bush Honey Suckle, Oriental Bitter Sweet and Barberry can wreak havoc on a native ecosystem and prevent the growth of many favored-native species of shrubs and trees. Invasive species have incredible abilities to both thrive and multiply in their non-native environment. This is largely because native species are simply not capable of competing. Often times, they will be the first to emerge from dormancy and will hold their leaves far later into the growing season. In addition, they have an amazing ability to thrive in areas with heavy shading and high competition.
After one attempt controlling these species, many people will get discouraged by their efforts. Invasives have an incredible ability to prolifically stump sprout and at times even appear to come in thicker than ever before. This issue can often be mitigated by the application of oil-based herbicides (such as Pathfinder II) applied directly to the surface of freshly cut stumps. Controlling invasive trees, shrubs and vines is very similar to weeding your garden, but on a much larger scale. Simply cutting weeds in your garden you are almost guaranteed to see minimal long term results. However, by removing the entire root or by chemically treating the weed with herbicides you will likely see a dramatic impact.
Controlling invasive species populations is one of the best things you can do to your property to enhance aesthetics and increase property value. However, many people are dispirited by the thought of invasive species control because they see it as labor intensive work with minimal reward associated. With correct control techniques and the use of proper tools you will see how easy and rewarding this work can truly be.
** KEEP IN MIND ** The Village of Chenequa has strict ordinances that prevent cutting of any native or NON-NATIVE plants within 75’ of the water’s edge. These ordinances were put in place to keep our lakes clean and to keep the “Up North” feel that many of us have grown to know and love. Cutting trees and brush within the 75’ buffer increases erosion and sediment loading into the lakes and eliminates the natural screening of houses and auxiliary structures. If you wish to do any cutting within this buffer please contact the Village Forester.
For more information please feel free to contact the Village Forester or visit the informational links provided below:
The Village of Chenequa has recently hired one of its newest employees, Cody Lincoln. Who is a recent graduate (2015) from the University of Wisconsin- Stevens Point with majors in both Forestry Management and Urban Forestry. His primary focus will be managing the forests of Chenequa and assisting in the Public works Department. Throughout college, Cody worked to build his skills and gain field knowledge by joining a Tree Service in Waukesha. Cody is an Okauchee Lake local who has always had a passion for the outdoors since he was just a boy which is what drove him to pursue his career in Forestry. Outside of work, Cody is an avid outdoorsman who enjoys bass fishing, hunting, kayaking and hiking. He is looking forward to working and getting acquainted with the Village residents. He can be reached by e-mail at or by calling the Village Hall at 262-367-2239.
A professionally designed version of Oak Harvesting Guidelines is now available online at the DNR website. Learn if your property is at risk, how to reduce the spread of Oak Wilt, how to know if a yard tree has Oak Wilt and so much more. Click here for additional information.
The 2015 Wisconsin Act 79 was signed by the Governor on November 11, 2015. This Act provides the option for certain municipalities to post legal notices on their website and one other public place instead of posting in three public places. Click here to see full memorandum and Act 79.
The Village of Chenequa will be posting legal notices on their website and using the main posting board which is located in the foyer as you enter the Village Hall.
Dr. Richard Grunke cast the first ballot in our vintage voting booth Tuesday morning for the Assembly District 99 race.
This voting booth was made by the Douglas Manufacturing Company in Crete, Nebraska. The company was founded by William W. and Elizabeth Robb Douglas. She is credited with the idea of creating a collapsible voting booth. According to company history, she pledged $20,000 to a missionary to Tibet without knowing how she would fulfill the promise. She then had a dream where she saw an old man with a long white beard who told her to make a steel collapsible voting booth. When she woke up, she used cardboard and sewing pins to put together a prototype. A patent was issued to the Douglases in 1906. When part of the family moved to Los Angeles, a factory was started there. In 1912 a factory was built in Crete, where it still exists.
Susan Wilkey presided over her first Village Board meeting as President on Monday, May 11. Congratulations, Susan!
This is official notice that a public hearing will be held before the regular monthly meeting of the Village Board of Trustees for the Village of Chenequa immediately following the Village Plan Commission but no earlier than 6:30 p.m. on Monday, May 11, 2015 at the Village Hall, 31275 W County Road K, Chenequa, Wisconsin to hear comments regarding the proposed revisions to Village Code 3.07(7).
The citizens of Chenequa recognized Bronson Haase Monday night for his six years of services as Village Trustee. Bronson was instrumental in establishing the village’s personnel committee in 2001. The citizens of Chenequa deeply appreciate his time and service contributed to the preservation and improvement of the quality of life in our community. A Resolution of Appreciation has been recorded on the permanent records of the Village Board. Thank you Bronson!
The Chenequa Village Board of Trustees would like to thank those residents who attended the public information meeting on Saturday October 25th. Turnout was reasonable and the residents who attended were in strong support of maintaining the services of the village as they currently stand and were in consensus to fully support the referendum to maintain current village services.
The Village of Chenequa is best described as UNIQUE –
Unique in so many ways….such as the unique services that are provided to its residents, services that the Village of Chenequa residents strongly desire and have come to expect. These services that are provided to the Village of Chenequa residents are in many ways the reason why the Village of Chenequa was created and incorporated in 1928.
• 24/7 – 365 days/year for Police Services to deter crime
• Fire and Emergency Medical Services
• Control over our own zoning and building
• Snow Plow operations for public safety access to properties
In order to continue to provide such services and cover the costs to do so – we need you to vote YES on the November 4th ballot so we can increase the village’s tax levy by $85,284. This would be approximately $187.21 per $1 million dollar of market value on your property. Your support and a YES vote would be greatly appreciated!
Should you have any questions regarding this referendum, please contact your Trustees or Village Administrator:
Robert Foote 367-8383 Jo Ann Villavicencio 367-6332
Bronson Haase 367-3221 Carol Manegold 367-4698
Dwyn von Bereghy 367-8570 Robert Bellin 367-4229
Helmut Keidl 367-1589 Robert Douglas 367-2239
You are invited to attend a Public Information meeting with your Village of Chenequa Trustees on Saturday October 25th, 2014 from 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM in the Board Room.
The topic of this open forum discussion is to answer your questions regarding the November 4th referendum for the Village’s request to increase the 2015 budget by $85,284.
Please bring any questions you might have.
The WI DOT has scheduled a public involvement meeting to present project plans and gather feedback for the intersection improvement plans at STH 83 & CTH K W/Beaver Lake Road on Monday, September 8th from 4-6pm at the Village Hall in Chenequa. Please click here for further information.
Dear Village Resident,
The Village of Chenequa will hold a special referendum in November for residents to approve increased Village taxes. The Trustees ask that you vote yes. The following explains why we ask for your ‘yes’ vote:
We will be posting the Chenequa video submissions we receive! Keep checking back here for more submissions.
Officer Brueser Ice Bucket Video
Officer McGee Ice Bucket Video
Officer Ripplinger Ice Bucket Video
The Village of Chenequa Police Department was challenged by Kurt Zimdars to respond to the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge on behalf of his wife, former Village Clerk-Treasurer Bonita Zimdars. Check out the challenge video and our response below!
For more information regarding the Ice Bucket Challenge or to donate to the cause, please visit the ALS Association’s website.
Susan Wilkey has served the Village of Chenequa in a diligent and dedicated manner as Village Trustee. The citizens of Chenequa recognized and deeply appreciated her time and service contributed to the preservation and improvement of the quality of life in our community. A Resolution of Appreciation has been recorded on the permanent records of the Village Board. Thank you Susan!
Jack MacDonough has served the Village of Chenequa in a diligent and dedicated manner as Village Trustee. The citizens of Chenequa recognized and deeply appreciated his time and service contributed to the preservation and improvement of the quality of life in our community. A Resolution of Appreciation has been recorded on the permanent records of the Village Board. Thank you Jack!
In 2010, the Waukesha County Communication Center updated their mapping system to assist first responders in locating properties. In 2011 to further assist first responders, new property address numbers and street signs were completed in the Village. It was brought to our attention that the addresses in the 53058 delivery area in the Village were scattered and inconsistent. No alpha house number prefixes were to be used. The Village as the authoritative source together with Waukesha County requested the USPS Address Management Systems Database be revised to accept the locally assigned addresses.
We have been notified by the USPS that the addresses have been corrected. To avoid any mailings from being delayed and/or possibly returned to sender as “insufficient address”, please use the proper format for all correspondence.
Example: 32451 W Oakland Road
NOT: W32451 Oakland Road
The final phase of this project will have Waukesha County updating addresses for property tax bills and the voter registration system.
Thank you for your compliance and assistance.
Virtual property records are now available which reflect assessed values as of January 1, 2013.
For those of you who have been following the Village Board meetings over the past year, you’ll be happy to know that the Village Board has approved the construction of a new garage.
Two unique opportunities presented themselves where the Village could move the entire operation onto one site.
The Trustees have awarded the contract of the building to Ray Stadler Construction. Final details are being worked out on this state of the art, energy efficient building.
Feel free to stop by the Village Hall to view the drawing rendered by TDI, Associates, Inc. We’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have.